Main Characters
The Donoverse focuses on young families living in Columbia; parents in their twenties and their young children. All of the main characters belong to a stable and loving christian family.


The main setting of The Donoverse is Columbia.
Columbia is a US State on an island in the middle of the North Pacific. It is also the name of the skyscraper city that the main characters live in. It has a climate and a forest ecosystem similar to the Pacific Northwest, but an urban landscape more indicative of Japan and East Asia. Columbia is half the size of West Virginia, but as many people live there as all of Texas.
That said; It is a very clean, safe, and pleasant place to live. More importantly, to the main characters, its home.
Natural Geography

As previously mentined, Columbia has a climate and ecosystem similar to that of the Pacific Northwest (albeit, not as cold and rainy). The snowy season in Columbia is from late November to early January, followed by the rainy season from Mid-January to April. Summers are mild and temeratures average in the mid-eighties.
The Interior mountains of the island of Columbia are made up of temperate pine and broadleaf forests. The fauna of Columbia is similar to that of North America. However, Columbia lacks predatory animals such as wolves or mountain lions. They do have a native species of bear though. However, they mainly feed on plants and fish and are relatively harmless to people. Columbia is also the only US State with a native species of monkeys, and the only place in the Northern hemisphere with indigenous species of wallabies and tuataras.
Columbia Has Two National Parks in its Mountain Ranges, along with several Smaller State parks within close proximity. The Highest Point in Columbia is the summit of Mt. Rainford, which stands 14,800 ft above sea level over Columbia's southeastern region.

Urban Columbia
As previously mentioned, Columbia is half the size of West Virginia, but as many people live there as all of Texas. As such, Columbia’s urban landscape is quite condensed & vertical and has more in common with East Asian cities, like Tokyo or Hong Kong, than of the Mainland United States
Most of Columbia's people (such as the main characters above) live in skyscraper cities located along the coast. Columbia City is the largest of these cities and the hometown of some of the main characters. The People of these cities live in areas called Citiplexes
A typical Citiplex consists of Skyscrapers (both High-rise Condos and office towers) built above Labyrinth Malls, or Shopping malls known for their elaborate passageways. These Malls Contain everything from Stores and restaurants to Libraries and Museums and even schools. Malls also double as town centers for people to socialize, in addition to being marketplaces.
Citiplexes are placed in large greenbelts called Delta Zones. Delta Zones were developed from former suburbs and are now used as massive public parks. Walkways and Bikeways crisscross the Delta Zones; while lakes, forests, Playgrounds, and Sports Feilds are scattered throughout. These areas are divided up by freeways, which make up Columbia's roads.

There are also a lot of underground and elevated passageways (called Underways and Overways) throughout the city, especially those crossing the freeways. Many of the Underways in Columbia were initally built as Blast and Fallout shelters to protect its citizens from Nuclear Attack. They have since been used for utility access purpouses as well. Each Citiplex also has an underground parking structure; as well as transit stations for Buses, Hovertrains, and even commuter Helijets.

That said; the cities are still very clean, safe, and pleasant places to live. As such, it is not uncommon for even children to wander around the city by themselves without fear of being lost or abducted.
Columbia's other major cities include Daytona City, Newport City, Greenville, Fairview, Springdale, and Middleton.
Brief Note on Clothing & Modesty

One prominent detail you'll notice about the Donoverse is the Clothing; namely that the female characters of the series wear usually Leotards (and sometimes Bikinis) as their regular clothes
In the world of The Donoverse; Since the turn of the new Millennium, Leotards and Bikinis have become regular clothes for women and girls due to changes in fashion trends and modesty standards becoming more lax. In addition, skirts and dresses have also become much shorter, with some dresses being more akin to wearing only a t-shirt than a dress.
That all said, both men and women have become accustomed to such fashion trends and no longer see such clothing choices as being any more "immodest" or "provocative" than shirts and jeans are to their male counterparts. In addition, Boys in the world of The Donoverse are normally taught from a young age to be respectful and chivalrous towards their female counterparts.
Other Info